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10 Benefits of Martial Arts Training

People have various motives for training in martial arts: for self defense, sport, as a social activity, and to learn about its history and culture. All of these are great reasons to begin training. In this blog post, I don’t focus on reasons for training but instead I discuss 10 benefits of martial arts training. …

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Weaponize Your New Year’s Resolution

Your New Years’ resolution is a declaration of something you wish to achieve during the year. For all of us, the beginning of a new calendar year often acts as a “reset button” allowing us to make a fresh start or make significant changes in our behavior. Unfortunately, we all know that many New Year’s Resolutions fail – but behavioral scientists have documented the causes of failure as well as the keys to success – highlighted in this blog post.

Starting Martial Arts Over 40: What You Need to Know

The American Heart Association has identified physical activity as one of the “Life’s Simple 7” lifestyle factors that have tremendous impacts on health and well-being. Your martial arts training can be a great way for you to do something you enjoy while also improving your health in numerous ways. Middle aged and older adults must take some precautions when training. This blog post – which is packed with LOTS of information – delves into those precautions and also provides useful information and resources to help you get started (and stay on track) with your training.