Master Muay Thai at

Your Own Pace

Create a free account to join over 1,000 students
and start your Muay Thai journey today!

Normally a $127 value

Nick Vasallo (Instructor)

Featured In...

Our Students See Real Results

 or Get Their Money Back

"I really like the instructor, Coach Nick. He moves at a really nice pace, explains things well, and is really pleasant to hear in class. I really like the organization of the levels, it makes sense is logical, and having the download for each curriculum and level is terrific. The videos are all good, fun to watch, and while not the most intense workouts, give a really nicely paced lesson plan that is very well executed."

David Mitnick  (student since 2017)

Dedicated to YOUR Muay Thai Journey

Muay Thai is a ridiculously effective style of stand-up fighting. Forged in Thailand,

this "Art of the 8 Limbs" will get you into fighting shape, all while embedding

explosive and powerful strikes, kicks, and fast footwork.

Build Speed & Strength

Build your agility and explosive kicks and strikes through intense Muay Thai training.

Healthy Inside & Out

Escape from the daily grind, carve out time to exercise, refocus, and build powerful self-discipline.

Protect Yourself & Your Family

Discover the confidence that comes with knowing how to protect yourself and the ones you love.

Renee (student since 2019)

How it Works

The first online martial-arts university of its kind, since 2008.

Ready for a Stronger

and Safer You?

We're currently offering a FREE Muay Thai course so you can take your first step towards protecting yourself and getting in great shape. This is a no-commitment offer with no credit-card details needed. Our hope is that you'll love learning the basics of Muay Thai through our proven online-teaching system so much that you'll sign up as a dedicated student.

Normally a $127 value

What Would You Like to
Learn More About?

Sign up for our FREE beginner's Muay Thai course today!

Course Benefits

Learn and practice all levels of Muay Thai techniques and get fit through our easy-to-follow instructional videos.

Learn At Your Own Pace

You're busy, and so life can get in the way of training. We made this program flexible so you can train at a pace that works best for you.

Quality Instruction

Your is instructor is Coach Nick Vasallo, who has years of high-level Muay Thai training. With Nick, you'll be learning from the best.

Earn Accredited Rank

You'll submit challenging tests to a real instructor so you can earn rank and be proud of it.

Complete Comprehensive Training

You'll have everything you need to go from Muay-Thai Level 1 to Level 6.

Supportive Community

You'll join the ranks of over 1,000 students from around the world, all working toward similar goals and encouraging each other along the way.

Stream From Multiple Devices

Access your course from any device so you can take your training with you wherever you go.

Lisa (student since 2019)

Ready for a Stronger

and Safer You?

We're currently offering a FREE Muay Thai course so you can take your first step towards protecting yourself and getting in great shape. This is a no-commitment offer with no credit-card details needed. Our hope is that you'll love learning the basics of Muay Thai through our proven online-teaching system so much that you'll sign up as a dedicated student.

Normally a $127 value

Course Curriculum

Take the guesswork out of training. Every single training level is laid out step-by-step and is easy to follow. In this

course, not only will you learn every single defense, strike, and principle, you'll also reach new levels of

physical fitness, control, confidence, and energy.


You'll learn about the style, how to use the course, the principles of Muay Thai, and the basics of stance, movement, and footwork.


Practice devastating but simple strikes to end a fight quickly: straight punches, hook punches, uppercuts, overhands, elbow strikes, and more.


Learn the crushing cornerstones of Muay Thai - the Thai kick, round kick, front kick, back kick, spinning kick, knee, jump knee, and more!


Defend against any attack by moving fast with highly-efficient footwork and defenses that flow with your body's natural range of movement. Practice through sparring.

Complete Classes

Just like attending a real Muay Thai class at a gym, you'll follow along to warm ups, drills, and cool downs. Choose between "Solo Bag Classes" and "Partner Classes" to practice all your techniques while getting a killer workout.

Instructor Support With

Anytime Feedback

It's just like walking into the gym and taking a class.
Classes include warm ups, techniques instruction, different drills,
and stretching to keep your training fun and different.

Message your Instructor and get Your

Progress Reviewed Anytime

Interact directly with your instructor whenever you need


Submit a video for review and corrections if you need

extra support.

Find a Training Partner with the

Student Locator

Easily locate and connect with other GMAU students

in your area.

Start a “Global Garage” and start training with friends.

Meet Your Instructor

Since 2005, Nick Vasallo has trained in Aikido, Karate, Taekwondo, Kickboxing, Jiu Jitsu, Krav Maga and, of course, Muay Thai. He has won tournament medals and has competed unofficially in amateur matches. He teaches Muay Thai in the San Francisco Bay area, and is the Head Instructor of GMAU Muay Thai.

Nick is also a college professor of music. He's married with two kids, composes music, and sings/plays guitar in two bands (Antagony and Oblivion). 

The Global Martial Arts University is the golden standard for at-home martial-arts instruction. We’ve been working with global distance-training students since 2008. This has led us to creating cutting-edge home-study courses that actually work.

Ready to Get Access to Your Free Muay

Thai Beginner's Course?

Normally a $127 value


Choose Your Plan

At a fraction of the cost of training in a traditional studio, with an unparalleled guarantee.



Simple and flexible plan where you pay

All Lessons & Classes from Level 1 to Level 6

Connect & Train with Other Students

Accredited Rank Testing & Advancement

Instructor Support, Feedback, & Guidance

Fresh Training Material Added Monthly

Cancel Anytime

Monthly Payments

60-Day Money Back Guarantee



Most Popular

Pay for six months at a time to save even more

All Lessons and Classes from Level 1 to 6

Connect and Train with Other Students

Fresh Training Material Added Monthly

Accredited Rank Testing & Advancement

Instructor Support, Feedback, & Guidance

Pay $179.70 every Six Months (Save 25%)

Cancel Anytime

Pay Every 6 Months

60-Day Money Back Guarantee


Path to Level 6

Most Value

Get your Level 6 certification with a path to "black-belt" membership

Instant Access to the Entire Course

All Lessons & Classes From Level 1 to Level 6

Fresh Training Material Added Monthly

Accredited Rank Testing & Advancement

Instructor Support, Feedback, & Guidance

Access to 3-Year Membership!

Save Over $1,000 on Your Journey to Level 6

3 Monthly Payments

60-Day Money Back Guarantee

Ready to Get Access to Your Free Muay

Thai Beginner's Course?

Normally a $127 value

What Our Students

are Saying...

The course is excellent. The program is the best on the market. The follow-along classes are good for fitness and for learning muscle memory to execute the technique perfectly. The instructor Nick is always quick to reply to questions and he always gives very good advice. The standard is high and feedback is always constructive and motivating.

Ferdie Oosthuizen
Muay Thai Student

I really like the instructor, Coach Nick. He moves at a really nice pace, explains things well, and is really pleasant to hear in class. I really like the organization of the levels, it makes sense is logical, and having the download for each curriculum and level is terrific. The videos are all good, fun to watch, and while not the most intense workouts, give a really nicely paced lesson plan that is very well executed.

David Mitnick
Muay Thai Student

Have loved it so far. Nick is a great instructor, always gives feedback very quickly and I have learned so much under him. His videos are easy to follow and the community online is very good. Would recommend GMAU to anyone.

Josh McSwain
Muay Thai Student

I found the GMAU Krav Maga course over a year ago. I have trained martial arts for over 20 years and hold a black belt in BJJ. I wanted a real world system of self protection to add to my oolbox and Krav Maga is that. I had the good fortune of linking up with Mr. Koppel and that began my journey. GMAU has unparalleled coaching, in depth videos and unending support for students. Not to mention programs and content are being added frequently. I have really enjoyed my Krav Maga training with GMAU.

Trent Praytor
Krav Maga Student

Commonly Asked Questions

Please feel free to reach out to us if you don't see your question below!

How does testing work?

  1. Train with the lessons and classes. Once you have logged the minimum training hours required, you are eligible to submit your test.
  2. Next, simply follow the instructions on the testing page, to film and submit your video exam.
  3. Your instructor will do a detailed grading of your exam, and will also film a personalized feedback video with corrections and guidance.
  4. Once you pass, you will receive your official certificate of rank. If you do not pass the first time, you will be given corrections, and can resubmit without paying another fee.

Do I need a partner to participate in the GMAU Muay Thai program?

A great deal of training can be done solo with a training bag and mirror. You should have an adult training-partner, however, to help you demonstrate your techniques in assignment and testing videos. Also, having a consistent training partner helps you get more hands-on practice.

Do you offer a discount for additional family members?

Yes! Each additional family member receives a 50% discount on their tuition. It is simple to add new family members from your own account.

Can I cancel at anytime?

Yes, there are no contracts or annoying cancellation processes. If you just don’t like the course, you can cancel. But, if you fall to hard times and want to freeze your membership, we can do that for you too.

Does a portion of my monthly tuition go toward changing the world for the better?

Yes it does! We donate a good portion of our proceeds every month to people and projects that are making the world a better place. From planting organic gardens to feed the homeless, to a martial arts school teaching underprivileged kids, to good people who have fallen under hard times and illnesses, schools in Africa, people combating ailments with natural herbs, and more - we are working on helping others and spreading abundance.

Will I get access to the full course on Day 1?

Yes. Upon enrolling, from day one you can access all levels of lessons, classes, and extras. You are not required to do the grading/testing component of your membership; but it is an option that you can take advantage of at any time!

Can I enroll my child into the course? What is the minimum age?

Yes! We have lots of kids training in this program. We recommend this program for ages 6 and up. For ages 6-9, the child will be most successful when a parent or other trusted adult assists or trains alongside at least sometimes. For ages 10 to 18, they can usually do the training on their own. The program is well designed for both kids and adults.

Ready for a Stronger

and Safer You?

Any martial-art style you choose will help you feel more grounded and stable in your body. Learning martial arts is an extremely rewarding journey that we want to support you through. We've created a special offer so you can dip your toe into practicing martial arts by taking a free beginners course. This will help you on your journey to one day becoming a master.

Normally a $127 value

Truly Global

Built and run by martial artists from around the world 🌎

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