Master Japanese

Bojutsu and Gain the Power of the Staff

Learn weapon movement while unlocking an upper-body strength you never knew you had. In the Ultimate Bo course you will...

  • Learn an ancient style of Japanese staff combat, which will build your upper body strength through invigorating workouts
  • Acquire the ability to perform realistic combat fighting and powerful body movements
  • Train at a fraction of the cost of classes in a traditional studio
  • Earn real rank at your own pace with one-on-one instructor feedback.

            Normally a $127 value

Gavin Huhoff  (student since 2017)

Featured In...

Our Students See Real Results

 or Get Their Money Back

"I really love the freedom of being able to train at home at a time and pace that suits

me. I work long hours and it's great to be able to train at a time 

when most dojos would be closed."

Jacqueline Glisson (student since 2012 )

We're Dedicated to
YOUR Ultimate Bo Journey

Train Wherever, Whenever

With the Global Martial Arts learning platform you can train wherever you want, across your favorite devices and at times that work best for you.

Fraction of the Cost of a Tradition Studio

Traditional classes at martial-arts studios can cost hundreds of dollars a month. With GMAU you'll have everything you need to learn your favorite martial art for as little as $39/month. Save thousands on your path to black chevron!

Learn Ultimate Bo from Home

We custom tailor the learning process for you to learn in the comfort of your own home. No more having to rush to get to a class or being one in a crowd. Your journey to Bo mastery is yours. We focus on you by providing exclusive one-on-one feedback.

Sean Robinson  (student since 2017)

Ready for a Powerful and

High-Energy You?

We're currently offering a FREE Ultimate Bo course so you can take your first step towards mastering the movements of the Bo. We even share with you how to make your own staff for training, and give you some amazing full-body workouts along the way. This is a no-commitment offer -- no credit card details needed. Our hope is that you'll love learning the basics of Ultimate Bo through our proven online-teaching system so much that you'll sign up as a dedicated student.

Normally a $127 value

What Would You Like to
Learn More About?

Be sure to sign up for our FREE beginner's Ultimate Bo course!

Master Ultimate Bo at Home

Through this course, you'll learn all the Bo techniques, katas, and

combat/fighting movements step-by-step.

Get into great shape while mastering this ancient and dynamic weapon

Bo training is an invigorating workout for all ages because it's lower-impact on the joints.

You'll learn realistic combat bo, along with traditional Japanese katas and techniques.

A complete guided course from white to 2nd-degree black chevron

Includes 15+ hours of HD-video lessons to teach you everything from white to black chevron.

Train through dozens of follow-along classes (30-40 minutes each), which are just like attending a real “live” Bo class in the dojo.

Nathan Douglas  (head instructor)

Earn real rank in this style of bojutsu with direct support and feedback from your instructor

Once you’ve learned the rank requirements and logged enough training hours, you can submit your video test!

Ask your instructor questions and get video reviews back with corrections and feedback.

Fresh training every month, with new ways for you to practice and progress

Fresh lessons and classes are added to the course every month.

Extra features on the GMAU student dashboard help make your training fun and effective.

Watch How the Course Works

GMAU has been teaching Martial Arts online since 2008.

Ready for a Stronger and

Safer You?

We're currently offering a FREE Ultimate Bo course so you can take your first step towards mastering the movements of the Bo. We even share with you how to make your own staff for training, and give you some amazing full-body workouts along the way. This is a no-commitment offer -- no credit card details needed. Our hope is that you'll love learning the basics of Ultimate Bo through our proven online-teaching system so much that you'll sign up as a dedicated student.

Normally a $127 value

Course Curriculum

There's a reason that more than 1,000 students have trained
in Ultimate Bo since 2008.

Sean Robinson  (student since 2017)

Includes a complete white to black-level course of study. It’s all here!

You'll learn strikes, blocks, stances, grips, combat positions, defenses, sparring, katas, and more.

Each technique is instructed step-by-step through multiple angles, detailed breakdowns, and home-practice drills.

Through follow-along classes and workouts, it's just like attending a “live” Bo class

You'll learn and practice in the most natural way. All classes include a variety of warm ups, lessons, drills, and cool downs.

You can follow along to a class wherever and wherever you want. It's the perfect way to practice and train!

Anytime Support and Feedback

from Your Instructor

Ask questions and get helpful feedback and motivation from your (real) instructor.
We're there to hold you accountable and ensure you succeed.

Message your Instructor and get Your

Progress Reviewed Anytime

Interact directly with your instructor whenever you need guidance.

Submit a video for review and corrections if you need some extra support.

Find a Training Partner with the

Student Locator

Easily locate and connect with other GMAU students

in your area.

Start a “Global Garage” and start training with friends.

Earn Accredited Rank at Home

You can test and achieve real rank in the officially recognized style of American

Style Bōjutsu (Ultimate Bo), all through our proven video testing and feedback process.

Test and Receive Detailed Feedback and Corrections from Your Instructor

Submit your video tests and get personalized feedback from your instructor through personalized guidance videos.

There's never any negativity or anxiety -- we use testing as a way to support your improvement and progress.

Once You Pass You'll Receive an Official Certificate of Rank

After all the hard work, you deserve officially accredited certification.

Certificates issued are the same as those awarded to students who train with us locally.

Ready to Get Access to Your FREE
Ultimate Bo Beginner's Course?

Normally a $127 value

Commonly Asked Questions

Please feel free to reach out to us if you don't see your question below!

How does testing work?

  1. Train with the lessons and classes. Once you have logged the minimum training hours required, you are eligible to submit your test.
  2. Next, simply follow the instructions on the testing page, to film and submit your video exam.
  3. Your instructor will do a detailed grading of your exam, and will also film a personalized feedback video with corrections and guidance.
  4. Once you pass, you will receive the official certificate of rank. If you do not pass the first time, you will be given corrections, and can resubmit without paying another fee.

Is a partner required?

A partner is not required for the majority of Ultimate Bo training. The lessons and classes can be done solo in most instances. The last two chevron level exams require you to demonstrate your combat bo techniques with a partner. Even if this is just a friend or family member that is helping you, they do not have to be enrolled students themselves.

Do you offer a discount for additional family members?

Yes! Each additional family member receives a 50% discount on their tuition. It is simple to add new family members from your own account.

Do I have to do the testing and ranking?

This is simply an option that is available to you. We have a lot of students who just like training and learning the material on their own, without the goal of earning rank through us. That is just fine. If you ever need anything, you can still get help through our Instructor Support.

Is your course aligned with a particular organization or association?

Yes, all rank awarded is recognized and accredited through the Global Martial Arts Association, Ultimate Training Martial Arts Association, the Association of Martial Artists World Wide, as well as various local and national training centers.

Will my certificate state that it was earned “online” or through “home study”?

No. Certificates issued are the same as those awarded to physical training students. This is because we have the same syllabus, testing requirements, and student standards in our online course. Since you are not physically attending classes, you will need to put in extra work and have a much higher level of self- discipline in order to advance.

Is there a cost for testing? What does the test fee include?

Yes. Rank exams are $60 each for yellow – red chevron. The fee covers the time and energy that your instructor takes out working with you and grading your exam. Your instructor will take out a good chunk of time to study your exam, grade it, make detailed notes, and work back and forth with you in communication. Your instructor will also film a personalized feedback video for you! He’ll demonstrate some of your errors, go over tips, corrections, guidance, and anything that will help you improve.

Can I cancel at anytime?

Yes, there are no contracts or annoying cancellation processes. If you just don’t like the course, you can cancel. But, if you fall to hard times and want to freeze your membership, we can do that for you too.

Does a portion of my monthly tuition go toward changing the world for the better?

Yes it does! We donate a good portion of our proceeds every month to people and projects that are making the world a better place. From planting organic gardens to feed the homeless, to a martial arts school teaching underprivileged kids, to good people who have fallen under hard times and illnesses, schools in Africa, people combating ailments with natural herbs, and more - we are working on helping others and spreading abundance.


Choose Your Plan

At a fraction of the cost of a traditional studio, with an unparalleled guarantee.



Simple and flexible plan where you
pay month-to-month

90+ Follow-Along Classes

100+ Technique Lessons

Connect & Train with Other Students

Accredited Rank Testing & Advancement

Instructor Support, Feedback,

& Guidance

Fresh Training Material

Added Monthly

Cancel Anytime

Monthly Payments



Most Popular

Pay for 6 months at a time
to save even more

90+ Follow-Along Classes

100+ Technique Lessons

Connect & Train with Other Students

Fresh Training Material Added Monthly

Accredited Rank Testing & Advancement

Instructor Support, Feedback, & Guidance

Pay $179.70 Every 6 Months (Save 25%)

Cancel Anytime

Pay Every 6 Months

3 Monthly Payments of


Path to Black Chevron

Most Value

Get your black chevron with a 3-year
membership in 3 installments

90+ Follow-Along Classes

100+ Technique Lessons

Fresh Training Material

Added Monthly

Accredited Rank Testing & Advancement

Instructor Support, Feedback,
& Guidance

Access to a 3-year membership!

Save Over $600 on
Your Journey to Black

3 Consecutive
Monthly Payments

Not Ready to Commit? Get Access to Your FREE

Ultimate Bo Beginner's Course!

Normally a $127 value

Hear from Our


Helllo, my name is Heather and I am training for my Yellow Chevron. I enjoy the training very much. It is a good workout and I love to swing that Bo! I am a Third degree Black Belt I’m TaeKwonDo but my school does not offer any weapons trading. I was very excited to find Global Martial Arts University so that I could add to my martial arts training. Thank you Sensei Michael!

Heather Malmberg
Ultimate Bo Student

With Ultimate Bo, I can train whenever I find it convenient—early mornings, after the children are put asleep—anytime. It also saves me travel time to the dojo in city traffic, which means I can invest more time in training. I find Ultimate Bo’s methodology clear and easy to follow, and it is more than just learning self-defense; the techniques, when put together into a full kata form, create a graceful form of art, not to mention a rigorous workout, particularly when performed in rapid succession.

John Balouziyeh
Ultimate Bo Student

I am a 3rd degree black belt in Shotokan Karate. I've been with GMAU for more than 2 years now, starting with Ultimate Bo, which I am currently still studying but I've also completed the Certified Martial Arts Teacher (CMAT) course. Since studying Ultimate Bo (UB) with the GMAU I must say that my life has honestly been transformed. I had always wanted to learn about the various weapon systems of Martial Arts but where I'm from (Trinidad and Tobago) it wasn't easy getting access to the training. Thankfully I came across an online add for UB and thus began my journey of studying the Bo staff. The beautiful thing about learning anything with GMAU is their attention to detail when teaching lessons. The instructors take their time and go step by step through every bit of each move, with varying angles to give you a sort of personal feel to each lesson. You also get real instructor feedback through videos and messages and you can also message your instructors with questions. It all comes together to give you a learning experience that is truly second to none. With the ability to learn at your own pace, re-watch lessons over and over and have personal interactions with your instructors, I can 100% recommend starting a course with GMAU.

Leo Grant
Ultimate Bo Student

There are a lot of bo staff videos on youtube and I know people who use those to learn the staff. But I was looking for something that was more systematic. Something that would progress through a wide array of techniques and progressively build up from the basic techniques to the advanced. Something that would teach you both "the how" as well as "the why" behind the techniques. I wanted a program where someone would evaluate my progress and give feedback so I can objectively improve. You will never get that from watching youtube videos. GMAU Bo staff program is exactly what I was looking for. I have been training with GMAU for around 16 months.

Cyle Nelson
Ultimate Bo Student

My story, 50 years old French Canadian, arthritis in the neck, ex smoker, and gaining weight, time to get in shape! But work a lots and living out of town! Always wanted to learn Bojutsu, start to look around , lol! No way I could find a full Bojutsu training in Canada. I Start to look online, just curious, and I find GMAU Bojutsu with Sensei Hodge! I’m pretty skeptical about training online. I still give it a try. At my surprise, I was really amazed by the material of this online course, lessons, classes, assignment, testing, quality of teaching, exchanges with others student, discussion board. I was really surprise when I did my first video testing, and Sensei hodge reply to me by video! And you can tell, this course is not only about money, Sensei Hodge really care about his student , we are not just a number! I took a chance with this course, and I got no regret, I’m so happy and dedicated to the end! Black belt! I’m coming!

Ken Atkinson
Ultimate Bo Student

Ready for a Stronger and Safer You?

We're currently offering a FREE Ultimate Bo course so you can take your first step towards mastering the movements of the Bo. We even share with you how to make your own staff for training, and give you some amazing full-body workouts along the way. This is a no-commitment offer -- no credit card details needed. Our hope is that you'll love learning the basics of Ultimate Bo through our proven online-teaching system so much that you'll sign up as a dedicated student.

Normally a $127 value

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Built and run by martial artists from around the world 🌎

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