Start Your FREE Ultimate Bo Beginner's Course Today!

We want to provide you with a no-commitment, risk free option to see if Ultimate Bo is right for you. In this course you'll gain...

  • The ability to perform realistic combat fighting and powerful body movements
  • An ancient style of Japanese combat, which will build your upper-body strength and give you invigorating workouts
  • All of it at NO COST TO YOU, including the ability to do everything in the comfort of your own home. 

Join over 1,000 other students who have learned the power of the Bo and uncovered their true strength. No credit card, no long-term commitment.

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See Results for FREE with Your

Introductory Bo Course

"I never thought about taking an on line course before, especially a martial arts course. But I'm extremely happy that I did. The bo staff training is amazing! The instruction is outstanding! It's actually better than being in an actual class. It's like having a personal trainer with the ability to rewind and review the classes until you learn every piece of the material. I literally can't wait to open my laptop everyday and go back to class! I'd honestly rate this course a 10 out of 10!"

Bob Hamilton  ( Student since 2015 )

A Complete Guided Introductory Course

5+ hours of HD video lessons teaching you beginner's material to put you on a path to yellow chevron.

Several follow-along classes (30-40 minutes each), which are just like attending real “live” Ultimate Bo classes.

Sign Up As a Full Student Whenever

You're Ready!

Once you're ready to take things to the next level, sign up instantly to gain full access, including instructor support and feedback.

Sarah Hill (student since 2017 )

Ready for a Powerful and High-Energy You?

We're currently offering a FREE Ultimate Bo course so you can take your first step towards mastering the movements of the Bo. We even share with you how to make your own staff for training, and give you some amazing full-body workouts along the way. This is a NO-commitment offer with NO credit card details needed. Our hope is that you'll love learning the basics of Ultimate Bo from us so much that you'll sign up as a dedicated student.

What Our Students

are Saying...

The program is excellently organized and run. The classes are well put together and (have) a natural progression. Having the opportunity to participate in Zoom classes helps with the learning and building a martial arts family.

James Blanton
Ultimate Bo Student

I am a 3rd degree black belt in Shotokan Karate. I've been with GMAU for more than 2 years now, starting with Ultimate Bo, which I am currently still studying but I've also completed the Certified Martial Arts Teacher (CMAT) course. Since studying Ultimate Bo (UB) with the GMAU I must say that my life has honestly been transformed. I had always wanted to learn about the various weapon systems of Martial Arts but where I'm from (Trinidad and Tobago) it wasn't easy getting access to the training. Thankfully I came across an online add for UB and thus began my journey of studying the Bo staff. The beautiful thing about learning anything with GMAU is their attention to detail when teaching lessons. The instructors take their time and go step by step through every bit of each move, with varying angles to give you a sort of personal feel to each lesson. You also get real instructor feedback through videos and messages and you can also message your instructors with questions. It all comes together to give you a learning experience that is truly second to none. With the ability to learn at your own pace, re-watch lessons over and over and have personal interactions with your instructors, I can 100% recommend starting a course with GMAU.

Leo Grant
Ultimate Bo Student

Ultimate Bo meets most of the requirements my doctors have told me to do as an older man:
1) Keep learning new things to exercise your brain (learning the different forms and techniques at each level); 2) Stay physically active and lose weight to stop the body from stiffening up (practicing the forms over and over again until they are committed to muscle memory definitely keeps me active); 3) Do something I enjoy (by doing so, I believe I will do it for life as long as my body will allow me.

Nate Johnson
Ultimate Bo Student

I have been involved in the martial arts (primarily traditional Korean karate, self defense, and Modern Arnis) for about 20 years and have trained with several different instructors and organizations. I have also been running my own small karate school since 2007. So I've had a lot of time and data to consider while thinking about what it means to be a good instructor, a good program and a good organization in the martial arts.

I am enrolled in several GMAU programs (currently, I'm active in Ultimate Bo and Krav Maga) and all the GMAU instructors that I have come into contact with are top notch. It's clear that they love what they do and that they have thought deeply about their GMAU program and about trying to provide the best experience possible for students. All of the instructors appear to be very active and fully engaged as students in the arts that they teach, which is important because they can better understand their student's experience.

In the programs that I am involved in, I regularly see new material, reworked material and extra material - which tells me that each instructor is working hard to find new ways to improve and enrich the experience of their students. Finally, even though they have reached a high level in their own art, every instructor is very approachable.

All of the staff that I have come into contact with are friendly and responsive.

Michael Hodge and his team have put together an outstanding experience for those who have chosen the martial arts to pursue personal growth and development. All of the elements are there. The timing is right for GMAU, in our current situation and in the future. If it works for your lifestyle and for your learning style, give GMAU a try!

Jim Lubbe
Ultimate Bo Student

I started training in Ultimate Bo during (COVID) quarantine, due to increasing free time and my looking for Bo training. GMAU was a pleasing surprise, and the course itself as well! I am really enjoying that as part of my training and life!

Luca Fusari
Ultimate Bo Student

There's No Risk.

Sign Up Now!

We're currently offering a FREE Ultimate Bo course so you can take your first step towards mastering the movements of the Bo. This is a no-commitment offer with no credit card details needed. Our hope is that you'll love learning the basics of Ultimate Bo from us so  much that you'll sign up as a dedicated student.

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Built and run by martial artists from around the world 🌎

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